History of Albers Construction Hat

In 2015 on one of the nights at the Lookout Car Shows in Maple Grove, MN the Schumachers & Johnsons attended with their cars. Each of us got our tickets for the drawing for that night. As they were calling out the ticket numbers for the door prizes, once again number 8 was winning a lot. President Clint Johnson had a number 8 in his ticket number and his luck was running out...he thought. The last prize of the night was about to be called and before the last ticket was drawn, Clint yelled "Keep Them Eights a Commin!" (hence the logo on the back of our shirts). Lo and behold, the next ticket called was Clint's. He won! As he runs up with excitement for his new prize he returns to the car club group with a puzzled look on his face. It was a used hat that said "Albers Construction" with a sweat stain, 70's style inner lining, and ripped mesh looking like a mouse had chewed a hole through it. The whole night the club was hysterically laughing with tears streaming down our faces. We still laugh about it to this day! Since then the hat has become a valuable relic to the club and is usually displayed in the back seat of Clint Johnson's car at the shows we attend.

(More pictures of the hat)

(Always displayed on the back seat of President Clint Johnson's Car)

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